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The AFEA Competition is created  to allow amateur dancers, or those in the process of becoming professional, to confront the stage and students from other schools, in order to gauge the level at which they are located.

For teachers, it is a way of setting objectives and meeting other teachers by discovering different ways of working and worlds.

It is open to dancers aged 8 to 25, on January 1 of the year of the competition.



The competition tests will take place on SATURDAY 6 & SUNDAY APRIL 7, 2024 at the L'Azimut Theater in CHATENAY-MALABRY (92).

The young companies will spend FRIDAY APRIL 5, with complete work in conjunction with the theater management technicians, all Friday afternoon.

Entrance for the public will be €10 (€13 for a 2-day pass) for adults and €5 for children (under 12).

It will be free for participants and teachers.



Registration will be effective upon receipt of the complete file (registration and online payment).  

It is possible to register without knowing your music and its exact timing. Please mention a temporary timing and then send us additional information by email as soon as it becomes known.

Invitations will be sent by email,to the address provided during registration, no later than 15 days before the competition date. The competition organizers reserve the right to close registrations before the scheduled deadline, if the competition is full.

The music should be sent by email, when you have received your invitation with your passage number and must be renamed as follows:"Number - Name of dancer or choreographer. - Category - starting placement"



A dancer can perform in 3 passages over the entire competition (except for an improvisation, which may be extra, i.e. a 4th passage).

It is not possible to present 2 passages in the same category and the same style (example: it is not possible to present 2 jazz solos)

No exemptions will be made on the number of passages; however, a waiting list is possible, if the competition is not full by the closing date for registrations).



- 35€ for a solo
- duets €20 per dancer

- groups: €15 per dancer;
- 15€ for the improv category (10€ for a candidate already registered in another category)



Preparatory category: 8-10 years

                                            choreography from 1 to 1.30 min maximum

Category 1: 11-12 years old

                        choreography from 1 to 1.45 min maximum

Category 2: 13-14 years old

                       choreography from 1.30 to 2 min maximum

Category 3: 15-16 years old

                       choreography from 1.45 to 2 min maximum

Category 4: 17-25 years old

                       choreography from 1.45 to2 mins maximum

Improv category: all ages

                       improvisation on unexpected music from 1 to 1.30 min depending on the age of the candidate

and 2 levels in each category:  amateur level, pre-professional level (from 3 lessons per week in the discipline)  

In category 4, we add theProfessional level, for candidates preparing for the E.A.T. (Technical Aptitudes Examination) or in professional training as a dancer or dance teacher (D.E.).

The dancers having been reclassified as pre-pro on the previous, must automatically register in this level.

A teacher has the opportunity to presentmaximum 3 students on the same variation, and this only at the amateur level of the preparatory categories, 1 and 2.


Preparatory category: candidates aged between 8 and 12 years old
                                           free choreography of 1 to 2 min maximum

Category 1: candidates aged between 10 and 14 years old
                       free choreography from 1.30 to 3 min maximum

Category 2: candidates aged between 13 and 18 years old
                       free choreography of 2 to 3 min maximum

Category 3: candidates aged between 15 and 25 years old
                       free choreography from 2.30 to3 mins maximum

“Young company” categories: experienced dancers, with no age limit

                       creation or extract of a piece from amaximum duration of 15 minutes.

Groups: from 3 dancers.


A group must be registered in pre-professional if half of its members take 3 dance classes (or more) per week in the discipline.

Or if one of the members, following 3 dance classes (or more) per week, has a main role, technically highlighting him on several occasions in the choreography.

An age exemption may be granted for a member of a group one year younger or older than the age required for the category.



The improv category is open to all ages.

The music will be drawn at random when it goes on stage.

The candidate is free to choose to dance without music.

The duration of the improvisation will be 1 minute for dancers aged 8 to 14 and 1min30 for those aged 14 and over.

Discipline is not specified in this category.

YOUNG COMPANIES CATEGORY  >>> see the 2024 call for applications <<<


The “young companies” category will take place on Friday April 5, 2024. It is open to experienced dancers, with no age limit.

In this category, there is no distinction of style (jazz, contemporary...).

Beyond the technique, the requirement will be marked on the subject and the choreographic and scenographic composition.

It is possible to present only an extract of the piece(15 minutes maximum).

The advantage of this category is access to areturn of one of the members of the jury , in the form of a quick interview, for the choreographer.

Registrations for this category are made onvideo selection (extract or passage of 15min entirely).

Please send your videos, accompanied by a short argument from the piece, by email or we transfer to associationafea@gmail.combefore January 15, 2024.


Dancers will be penalized in the event of non-compliance with the imposed durations.

Dancers appearing to have excellent technique and registered in the amateur category may be penalized.

The grading of the choreographies will be based on the writing work (diversity of steps and taking up space), the technical execution of the dancer according to their age category and the interpretation given to the movement.

Competitors are free to greet their audience, but applause will only be done at the end of the categories, so as not to influence the jury.


Outfits are free (costumes or simple dance outfits).

Props are only permitted if the dancers themselves put them on and remove them from the stage.

Objects which degrade the stage for the following passages are strictly prohibited and may penalize the dancers (talcum powder, water, rosin, glitter, feathers, etc.).



All candidates will be called on stage and will receive a diploma, as well as a medal, cup or trophy, depending on their ranking. The prize will be awarded based on the average of twenty scores obtained and after deliberation by the jury.

           18 (or higher than 18): Gold medal and congratulations from the jury             
           17: Unanimous gold medal                         
           16: Gold medal                                            
           14-15: Silver medal                                     
           12-13: Bronze medal
          11: Mention

          10 (or less than 10): Encouragement


It will be made up of eminent personalities from the world of dance, experienced teachers, recognized for their results and their real knowledge of jazz and contemporary dance, amateur as well as professional.

You can see who was the jury of our old editions,by clicking here.


Shooting, videos and photos are strictly prohibited. Any person who does not have accreditation by the AFEA association will be excluded from the room and may be prosecuted. Competitors have no rights to the shots, television, videos, photos or other, taken during the competition or its preparation.



  • The organizers decline all responsibility in the event of damage, material or bodily, caused or suffered by the candidates, whether during their participation in the competition, outside or on the premises.

  • The organizers are not held responsible for theft within the competition.

  • Registration fees are non-refundable in the event of withdrawal.

  • The organizers reserve the right to exclude a candidate in the event of force majeure.

  • The organizers reserve the right to modify the course of the competition.

  • Only people with invitations will be authorized to enter the boxes on the day of the competition.

Participation in the competition implies full acceptance of these regulations.

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Ancre compagnies
Logo Association AFEA Paris International Competition

AFEA Association

2 square Gabriel Fauré

92160 ANTONY


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